SLP to IDR Price

Convert SLP to Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) today, following the latest market rates.

SLP to IDR Converter and Calculator

At this moment, 1 SLP equals to 62.58 IDR.

The calculator below is the perfect tool for you if you are looking for the most up-to-date information on the conversion rate between SLP and Indonesian Rupiah. It provides the latest prices from today, so you can make informed decisions about your SLP to IDR conversions. Whether you’re a seasoned cryptocurrency trader or new to the world of digital currencies, this calculator is a useful resource to have at your fingertips. Feel free to use it as often as you like, and rest assured that you’ll have access to the most current information available.

Smooth Love Potion (SLP) to Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) Real Time Chart

The chart below is a very valuable tool for anyone looking to convert their Smooth Love Potion (SLP) to Indonesian Rupiah (IDR). It provides a clear and concise representation of the current SLP/IDR conversion rate, as well as a historical view of how the rate has fluctuated over time. This allows you to easily track the value of your SLP and make informed decisions about when to convert it to IDR. Additionally, the chart also includes filters on the right side, which allows you to customize the data and view different timeframes, giving you even more control over your conversion decisions.

Whether you’re a seasoned player of Axie Infinity looking to cash out your earnings or a new player just starting to explore the world of SLP and IDR conversion, this chart is an essential tool to have at your disposal.

Standard SLP to IDR Conversions

When it comes to converting Smooth Love Potion (SLP) to Indonesian Rupiah (IDR), it’s important to have a quick and easy reference. And that’s exactly what the table below provides – a quick and simple way to convert SLP to IDR.

1 62.58 IDR
5 312.89 IDR
10 625.78 IDR
50 3,128.92 IDR
100 6,257.84 IDR
500 31,289.18 IDR
1000 62,578.36 IDR
10000 625,783.55 IDR

What Is Smooth Love potion?

Smooth Love Potion (SLP) is a unique token that is taking the blockchain gaming world by storm. As a player of Axie Infinity, I can attest to the power of this token. It’s a game changer, and if you’re not familiar with it yet, you’re in for a treat. In short, SLP is a utility token that is used in the Axie Infinity ecosystem. It allows players to claim land in the virtual world of the game and also to buy and sell items in the marketplace. It was created by the Axie Infinity team in 2020 and has quickly become a popular token in the blockchain gaming community. But don’t just take my word for it, try it out for yourself and you’ll see why it’s so valuable.

How to Claim SLP in Axie Infinity

Claiming SLP in Axie Infinity is a simple process, but let me walk you through it. First, you’ll need to create an account on the Axie Infinity website. This is the easy part, just follow the prompts and you’ll be on your way. Once you have your account, you can then purchase SLP on various cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance, CoinGecko, and CoinMarketCap. But here’s the catch, the value of SLP fluctuates, just like any other cryptocurrency, so you’ll want to keep an eye on the market. Once you have your SLP, you can then use it to claim land in the virtual world of the game. It’s as simple as that. And trust me, once you have your own piece of land, you’ll understand why it’s so valuable.

How Does SLP Work?

SLP is used as a utility token in the Axie Infinity ecosystem. It is used to claim land in the virtual world of the game and is also used to buy and sell items in the marketplace. This makes it an essential part of the game, as it allows players to build and customize their own unique virtual worlds. The land you claim will be unique and can only be claimed once, making it a valuable asset in the game. It’s like owning a piece of virtual real estate, and just like in the real world, owning land in the game can be a lucrative investment. But it’s not just about owning land, SLP is also used to buy and sell items in the marketplace. This includes various in-game items such as Axies, breeding potions, and other virtual goods. It’s like having your own virtual economy, where you can buy low and sell high. It’s exciting, and it’s what makes the game so much fun.

How to Transfer SLP to Binance

Now, you may be wondering, what if I want to trade my SLP for other cryptocurrencies or cash it out? That’s where Binance comes in. To transfer your SLP to Binance, you’ll first need to create an account on the Binance website. Once you have your account, you can then deposit your SLP from your Ethereum wallet to your Binance account. Once the SLP is in your Binance account, you’ll be able to trade it for other cryptocurrencies or use it to buy items in the marketplace. It’s important to note that the value of SLP can fluctuate, so you’ll want to keep an eye on the market before making any trades.

How much SLP can you earn in one day?

When it comes to earning SLP in Axie Infinity, it really depends on your level of involvement in the game. Some players may only earn a small amount of SLP by casually playing and participating in the marketplace, while others may earn significantly more by actively breeding and trading Axies, as well as participating in battles and tournaments. If you’re just starting out, it’s important to note that earning SLP can take some time. But as you become more familiar with the game, you’ll start to find ways to earn SLP more efficiently. For example, breeding high-quality Axies and selling them in the marketplace can be a great way to earn SLP. Additionally, participating in battles and tournaments can also be a great way to earn SLP.

That being said, it’s important to remember that the value of SLP can fluctuate, so it’s important to keep an eye on the market. One day you may earn a significant amount of SLP, but the next day its value may have dropped, so it’s important to be aware of this.

Overall, Smooth Love Potion (SLP) is a valuable token in the Axie Infinity ecosystem. It is used to claim land in the virtual world of the game and also to buy and sell items in the marketplace. It has also gained popularity as a speculative investment, with its value fluctuating over time. The highest price SLP has ever been was $0.0031 USD on 2023-01-24. It is a cryptocurrency, it is an ERC-20 token that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. When it comes to converting SLP coins to Indonesian Rupiah, the best way to do this is to use a cryptocurrency exchange that supports the conversion of SLP to IDR. Some popular exchanges that support this conversion include Binance, CoinGecko, and CoinMarketCap. These exchanges allow you to easily convert your SLP coins to IDR and withdraw the funds to your bank account.

It’s important to keep in mind that the value of any cryptocurrency can be highly volatile, so it’s always important to do your own research and invest only what you can afford to lose. You should also consider the security of your funds, as well as the fees associated with purchasing and converting SLP.


Smooth Love Potion (SLP) is a unique token that offers players a whole new way to engage with the blockchain gaming world. It’s a great way to build and customize your own virtual worlds, and it also offers the opportunity for speculative investments. As always, it’s important to do your own research, invest wisely and have fun while playing Axie Infinity!